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Read all about Nkululeko EP


Nkululeko, a 6-track compilation EP about songs of queer freedom bringing together artists Umlilo, Gyre, Mx Blouse, Mr Allofit, and Hlasko, has been featured in a number of South African media. Nkululeko was supported by OneBeat and Future Kwaai Records.

This article is an index of all the articles about Nkululeko, South Africa’s first all-black, all-queer compilation album.

To date, Nkulukelo has been featured in online media, and radio stations like Khaya FM, Windhoek’s NBC Touch FM, and Desert Radio.

“The profoundness of these three projects is their homage to collaboration. As many moving parts as they have within them, they speak to the importance of bringing everyone together and leaving no one behind. I think these albums will feature in many stories — not only Instagram ones — this summer. These albums are to be shared and enjoyed just as the contributors have shared pieces of themselves and their craft on every track.” - Bubblegum Club

“Indeed, in spite of its all-black, all-queer parameters, the scope of genre and roof-raising production is equally impressive. Opener “Nkululeko” sets the tone for the whole thing, featuring every one of the artists trading the mic with effortless zeal over a neo-African, percussive rhythm and quick-tongued verse – before each artist takes things into their own right, grappling with the myriad of issues they face daily within the industry and life at large.” - Texx and the city

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